SOCIETY | 18:47 / 03.01.2019
3 min read

Illegal goods worth over 316 million soums were seized by the SSS officers in Denau

In Surkhandarya region, within the framework of the rapid operative event held by officers of the Department for Combating Counterfeit and infringement of Customs Legislation, including the State Security Service staff, existence of large number of illegal goods was detected in Denov district.

Entrepreneur Rasul Numanov, resident of Tursunzoda district (Tajikistan) sends Sohib Jurayev (names are changed), resident of Denau district, loading the batch of filling used in constructions in 80 bags (25 kilograms each) onto a “Mercedes Benz” truck. The cargo was kept under surveillance by law enforcement officials after entering into the territory of our country.

The driver and his supporters attempted to stop the loaded “Mercedes Benz” in several places in order to offload the goods instead of driving the truck to the “Denau” customs station of foreign economic activity. After that, the lorry coming from the neighboring state was transported to the customs station “Denau” and customs inspection was carried out with the participation of attesting witnesses.

Upon checking the shipment documents, it was found out that there are goods of 47 types worth 316 million 882 thousand soums except for the filling used in construction. Thus, the goods that were not mentioned in the freight documents – 203 pieces of household appliances, 11” LG” TV sets, a large number of different types of beauty products, 15,000 units of sparkling spoons and one used truck spindle, were temporarily taken under custody until adopting the final decision.

At present, an investigation is underway on the above case.

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