15:24 / 30.10.2019

STC intends to attract Huawei and CEIEC to implement an automated tax system

Photo: KUN.UZ

A meeting with representatives of Huawei and CEIEC (China) was held at the State Tax Committee (STC), in which introduction of digital technologies in the tax system of Uzbekistan and development of a single information platform for tax authorities was discussed.

According to the press service of the State Tax Committee, introduction of an automated tax system will bring a number of amenities for taxpayers. This will help to correctly fill out tax returns, contributes to the system’s transparency and timely payment of taxes. At the same time, an automated platform will prevent tax evasion, income hiding and corruption.

The guests shared the advantages of the single Golden Tax information platform introduced by Huawei and CEIEC for the Chinese tax system, spoke about the shortcomings that China had encountered, and ways to eliminate them.

During the meeting, a presentation of the system’s functioning mechanism was held. Through two large and 36 regional centers for automatic data processing, quality electronic services are provided to 35 million legal entities and 500 million individuals in China.

Taxpayers have the opportunity to pay taxes online at a convenient time for them using special devices and mobile applications without visiting tax authorities, the STC notes.

Following the meeting, an analysis of the existing software in Uzbekistan’s tax system was carried out, specific proposals and recommendations were given for the introduction of a single information platform that meets modern requirements.

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