19:59 / 13.12.2019

Security cameras with face recognition function installed at metro stations in Tashkent

In Tashkent, security cameras with face recognition function are being installed at metro stations, UzA reports.

A unified institutional video center is being created in the capital’s metro, and modern video cameras are being installed. At some stations, smart cameras are installed in a test mode with the ability to recognize wanted persons. This year 12 persons were detained, who were wanted for various crimes.

Thanks to the measures taken this year, the total number of crimes decreased by 46.5% compared to the previous year (from 1253 to 670). No grave and especially grave crimes were committed.

In 2020, signs will be posted in foreign languages, primarily in English. Monitors, creeping lines, information screens are planned to be replaced with newer ones, with sound announcements. It will be very convenient for foreign tourists.

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