11:36 / 02.02.2021

Uzbekistan plans to develop geotourism and industrial tourism

State Tourism Committee, together with Navoi region officials, has studied infrastructure facilities for geotourism and industrial tourism in the Amantoytov and Dovgiztov fields of the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine (NMMC).

According to the committee, it aims to introduce new types of tourism.

“In recent years, geotourism has become popular as a new direction of the world tourism industry. Uzbekistan’s geological attractions, as well as unique landscapes, give the country enormous potential to attract tourists,” the Tourism Committee said.
In order to develop geotourism and industrial tourism in the region, the existing infrastructure facilities in the gold, ore and other mineral resources mines owned by the NMMC were studied. In the future, it is planned to turn the Amantoytov and Dovgiztov fields into tourist attractions.

The Amantoytov and Dovgiztov deposits are located in the ore area of the central Kyzylkum desert, located 180 km north of Navoi city and 40 km east of Zarafshan city. It is one of the rare deposits in the world in terms of ore reserves, accessibility of technological conditions of ore mining, high quality of products and other features.

The purpose of this project is to create exclusive know-how for foreign and domestic tourists and develop a new form of industrial tourism, without interfering with the production process.

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