SOCIETY | 23:37 / 29.07.2021
2 min read

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities enters into force in Uzbekistan

On July 28, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities entered into force in Uzbekistan. The Convention was adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution No. 61/106 of December 13, 2006, and entered into force on May 3, 2008.

Uzbekistan signed the Convention on 27 February 2009 and ratified it on 7 June 2021 by Law No.695.

184 states have ratified this international treaty so far.

The Convention consists of 50 articles, which include the fundamental rights and freedoms of people with disabilities, including their right to life, nationality, legal protection, education, health, work, leisure, and sports on an equal basis with others, the right to decent housing and social assistance, and defines legal guarantees for their implementation.

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was established to coordinate and monitor compliance with the provisions of the Convention and the implementation of obligations by member states.

By presidential order in 2017, Uzbekistan established a commission to prepare proposals aimed at radically improving the system of state support for persons with disabilities and adopted presidential decree No. 5270 on measures to radically improve the system of state support for persons with disabilities. Further, Law of Uzbekistan No.641 on the rights of persons with disabilities was adopted in 2020.

Accession to the Convention will further improve national legislation and social protection for persons with disabilities and bring them into line with international norms and standards.

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