15:38 / 17.01.2022

STC Chairman tells how cashiers use duplicate receipts to get cashback

Chairman of the State Tax Committee Sherzod Kudbiyev told how cashiers in large shopping centers and supermarkets use duplicate receipts to get cashback.

Photo: State Tax Committee

“Currently, we are developing a cashback order. I apologize that this was not done at the time, the system is new. The other day I made a purchase myself in a supermarket near my house. I took the receipt and came home. Then I asked my children to bring the receipt, but it did not go through. How come? I called the head of the IT department, and he said that the receipt was already registered, I cannot get cashback a second time. I replied that I received the receipt half an hour ago and did not use it,” he said during a press conference.

As a result of the inspection, it became known that the cashier used a duplicate receipt and immediately registered it in the system, and the country’s chief tax officer was left without a cashback.

Sherzod Kudbiyev said that appropriate measures would be taken to prevent cashiers from using duplicate receipts.

The head of the State Tax Committee also recalled that at present, upon first scanning, a check with a QR code is automatically registered under the phone number that is entered in the Soliq mobile application. When rescanning, the phone number to which this check was registered earlier will be displayed.

In addition, each Uzbek citizen can register no more than 5 receipts with a QR code per day from one outlet. When scanning the sixth receipt, a corresponding notification appears on the screen.

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