20:05 / 28.07.2022

China fully supports Uzbekistan’s chairmanship in SCO 

Acting FM Vladimir Norov today met with a member of the State Council, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC Wang Yi, who arrived in our country on an official visit to participate in a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the SCO member states.

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan

According to the MFA, during the talks, Wang Yi praised the successes of New Uzbekistan in the spheres of domestic and foreign policy. It was emphasized that China, as a comprehensive strategic partner, firmly and unswervingly supports the course of grandiose reforms and transformations carried out in Uzbekistan.

The current state and prospects for the further development of the Uzbek-Chinese comprehensive strategic partnership in political, trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian, scientific-technical and many other fields were discussed.

It was noted with satisfaction that, thanks to the determination and political will of the leaders of the two countries, in recent years, relations between Uzbekistan and China have shown unprecedented growth dynamics, enriched with new practical content. The commitment of the parties to the comprehensive and high-quality implementation of the agreements reached at the highest level, the continuation of mutual support on the world stage, and the definition of new horizons of interaction for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries was confirmed.

Specific proposals were considered to increase cooperation in the areas of trade, transport and logistics, medicine and pharmaceuticals, information and communication technologies, ecology and agriculture, tourism, science and education. In particular, the need was noted for taking effective joint measures to bring the volume of Uzbek-Chinese trade turnover up to $10 billion. 

Particular attention was paid to preparations for the upcoming meetings of the Council of Foreign Ministers on July 28-29 in Tashkent and the Council of Heads of SCO States on September 15-16 in Samarkand.

Wang Yi announced the full support of the Chinese side for the chairmanship of Uzbekistan in the SCO and the events held within its framework.

During the meeting, topical issues of international and regional politics were also discussed.

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