16:10 / 08.04.2024

Uzbekistan introduces subsidies to boost employment for returned labor migrants

The monthly subsidy will amount to 500,000 UZS for a year, given the presence of an official contract.

As it was earlier reported, on April 4, Shavkat Mirziyoyev issued a decree to improve labor migration mechanisms and support migrants abroad.

To incentivize employment, employers will receive subsidies for hiring migrants who have returned from abroad. The exception will be budget institutions and enterprises with a state share of over 50%.

The subsidy will amount to 500,000 UZS per month. Payments will be made for twelve months for each worker hired from June 1, 2024, to January 1, 2026.

The basis for the payments will be an official labor contract registered in the Unified National Labor System. This procedure applies to migrants who have been abroad for more than three months and have returned no more than a year before being hired.

Additionally, starting from July 1, new measures will be implemented to ensure the health protection of migrants. Free medical examinations will be conducted for citizens who have returned from abroad and their family members.

Individuals who return from abroad with diseases listed as socially significant will be able to receive free medical care according to the guaranteed level stipulated by law.

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