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Ministry of Justice
15:14 / 01.03.2022
Death registration to be issued in e-form in Uzbekistan
20:47 / 21.02.2022
Employees joining customs authorities to undergo professional retraining
17:16 / 30.12.2021
Aktam Mukhammadiyev becomes Deputy Minister of Justice
16:09 / 27.12.2021
Ministry of Justice warns of fraudsters extorting money in the uniform of fire safety officers
17:11 / 04.12.2021
Amount of some state fees may be significantly reduced
19:50 / 15.11.2021
Nationwide constitutional exam to be held in Uzbekistan
11:52 / 12.10.2021
Top executives of nine ministries and departments fined for excessive bureaucracy
18:12 / 10.07.2021
“430 real estate objects were demolished without compensation in 4 years” – Ministry of Justice
18:06 / 21.06.2021
Justice Ministry refuses registration of “Hakikat мa tarakkiyot” Party
21:58 / 01.08.2020
Ministry of Justice: Officials of khokimiyats are not allowed to drive private cars without a special sticker during the lockdown
16:27 / 10.07.2020
Ministry of Justice reminds of liability for violating the quarantine requirements
20:23 / 25.12.2019
Justice Ministry proposes to criminalize unlawful demolition
21:40 / 14.10.2019
Ministry of Justice: Investment Visa holders are able to obtain residence permit in Uzbekistan for a 10-year period
17:12 / 27.09.2019
Justice Ministry launches a campaign against illegal forcing of businesses into sponsorship activities
15:15 / 17.09.2019
NGO providing citizens with free legal assistance registered in Uzbekistan