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excise tax
12:31 / 16.03.2024
Wholesale prices of oil products and liquefied gas to change on stock exchange from April 1

21:36 / 12.12.2022
Uzbekneftgaz stations to start selling gasoline at lowered price from Dec 13

21:44 / 17.11.2021
Basic tax rates to remain unchanged in 2022

19:13 / 11.11.2021
Gov’t plans to balance excise taxes on imported and local gasoline in 2022

16:35 / 11.02.2021
Uzbekistan to cancel excise tax on mobile services

13:30 / 27.01.2021
Gasoline prices expected to rise from February 1

22:43 / 21.12.2020
Some tax rates change in February 2021. Gasoline prices to rise again

19:35 / 11.12.2019
Uzbekistan to raise excise tax rates on gasoline and diesel fuel

10:55 / 11.12.2019
Excise tax rates for a number of goods to double in 2020

11:17 / 20.07.2019
Excise tax on importation of electric vehicles canceled