SOCIETY | 12:23 / 27.02.2021
7 min read

Changes coming into force in national legislation from March 1 announced 

Norma has provided an overview of the main changes in national legislation that will enter into force on March 1, 2021. 

The following changes are expected to take place from March 1 of this year: 

Private sector 

Business entities are granted the right to install on highways: 

- automated software and hardware for photo and video recording of traffic violations;

- stationary points of weight and dimensional control, equipped with automated measuring instruments; 

Business entities will be able to participate as an agent in the provision of certain types of public services by government agencies and organizations. 

Construction control 

Construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures, including individual residential buildings with more than 2 floors (excluding the ground floor), a height of more than 12 m from the ground surface and (or) a total area of more than 500 sq. is carried out with the obligatory examination of the project documentation and the establishment of construction state control of the facility by territorial inspections for control in the field of construction under the Construction Ministry. 

From March 1, the followings will be prohibited: 

- for property developers (individuals and legal entities) – to carry out construction and reconstruction of buildings with more than 2 floors (excluding the ground floor), the height of more than 12 m from the ground surface and (or) total area of more than 500 sq. m without concluding a contract with a construction organization; 

- construction of multi-storey apartment buildings on land plots located in functional zones of settlements not intended for this type of construction; 

- increasing the number of floors in existing buildings and structures under construction, including individual dwellings, without consulting project documents; 

The positive expert opinion on the project documentation is recognized as valid when it is included in the “Unique Register of Expert Opinions” of the NIS “Transparent Construction”. 

ICT in the judicial enforcement system 

The payment of alimony by debtors will be carried out through a single information system for the execution and monitoring of alimony obligations. 

Within the framework of compulsory execution, only trade organizations that have an electronic remote online monitoring system of processes from acceptance to sale of the property will be able to sell property on a fee-for-service basis. When choosing retail outlets, the advantage is given to trade organizations engaged in the sale of property through online stores. 

Mandatory marking

It is prohibited to import unmarked alcoholic and tobacco products into the territory of Uzbekistan. 

Entities engaged in activities producing or importing pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals into Uzbekistan should:

- ensure that the reference materials of these substances are included in the list of chemical and biological agents for the control of pests, plant diseases and weeds;

- implement them together with the above-mentioned standard models.

Changes in the use of online cash register

Changes and additions to the regulation on the use of the online cash register system and the virtual cash register in cash settlements with the population are expected to enter into force. 

Electronic policies 

The Ministry of Finance, together with insurance companies, will begin the sale and registration of E-polices for the compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners. 

Innovation in agriculture 

As an experiment, it is allowed to create small scientific and innovative enterprises in research institutions of the National Center system with the involvement of business entities.

Sales of silver and promotion of domestic tourism 

“Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine” will start to sell silver freely to jewelry producers through the exchange. 

As part of the promotion of domestic tourism, Uzbekistan is introducing a mechanism to reimburse part of the following travel expenses until June 1, 2022: 

- for air carriers – 25% of the cost of air tickets for domestic tourism; 

- for tour operators and travel agents – 15% of the cost of air and railway tickets on tours organized for citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in Uzbekistan, as well as 10% of the cost of accommodation facilities (hotel services). 

Separation of household waste 

A system of separate collection of solid household waste is gradually being introduced, with division into the categories “recyclable” and “non-recyclable”:

  • Stage I (2021) – waste collection on the territory of mahallas, the list of which is determined by the khokimiyat of Tashkent;
  • Stage II (2022) – collection of solid household waste in the individual residential sector of all territories served by the SUE “Makhsustrans”;
  • Stage III (from 2023) – waste collection in all districts, dividing them into categories “recyclable”, “non-recyclable”, “organic”, “hazardous household waste”, etc. 

Special allowances for regional teachers 

Special allowances will be paid to first-category teachers who are assigned to schools with a low level of education in other regions.

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