13:20 / 27.10.2022

Shavkat Mirziyoyev departs for Kazakhstan

On October 27, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev left for Astana on a working visit to participate in the first meeting of the heads of state in the “Central Asia – European Union” format.

Photo: Presidential Press Service

According to the presidential press service, the event will be attended by the leaders of the CA countries and the President of the European Council Charles Michel.

The summit will discuss prospects for the development of political dialogue, expansion of interregional cooperation, intensification of trade and economic cooperation and future of cultural-humanitarian exchanges.

In the evening, the President of the European Council Charles Michel is expected to visit Uzbekistan.

On October 28, Uzbekistan and EU officials will hold talks. A wide range of issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation between Uzbekistan and the European Union will be considered at the meetings.

The distinguished guest will also visit Samarkand during his stay in the country.

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