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14:02 / 21.11.2024
Over 30,000 people prosecuted in Uzbekistan for defamation and insult in 2024

11:07 / 02.05.2024
About 10 citizens prosecuted for publicly insulting the president and his family since year beginning

13:46 / 16.04.2024
20-year-old student from Uzbekistan detained in Russia for publicly insulting a group of people

18:47 / 01.07.2023
Police detain a 44-year-old woman for encroachments on the president’s authority

15:46 / 31.03.2021
Uzbekistan establishes criminal liability for insulting the President on the Internet

20:46 / 19.12.2020
Senators approve law abolishing imprisonment for libel and insult

22:44 / 15.12.2020
Uzbekistan plans to mitigate punishment for defamation and insult

22:12 / 14.10.2020
STC chairman comments on audio recording that spread on social networks, pleads guilty and gives explanation to the public