POLITICS | 10:40 / 20.12.2019
3 min read

CEC member speaks about rights and obligations of observers in the upcoming election

As Uzbekistan is on the threshold of elections and every day brings the country closer to this political process, representatives of political parties are running their campaigns more heatedly.

The country is welcoming hundreds of observers, including from such international organizations as OSCE, SCO and others, to observe the upcoming elections. 

A member of the Central Election Commission Gulnoza Ismailova, in an interview with Kun.uz correspondent, commented on the rights and obligations of observers and stated that observers shall carry out their activities on the basis of mandates granted by respective commissions.

According to Ismailova, observers shall have the following rights:

- to be present at meetings of elections commissions;

- to participate in meetings on nomination of candidates, meetings of candidates with voters;

- to be present at polling station, to observe the progress of the preparatory work, the placement of booths or rooms for secret voting and sealing of ballot boxes, the registration of citizens, the issuance of ballots;

- to be present at counting of votes and drafting the Protocol of the election commission;

- to request and receive copies documents related to election results approved by the relevant election commission;

- to report their observations to the relevant election commission, if there is reason to believe that at the relevant polling station there have been violations of the requirements of the present Code.

And observers are prohibited from:

- being present in a booth or room of a secret ballot when voter marks his/her ballot paper;

- influencing citizens, distributing any agitation material or literature;

- asking voters how they voted, or providing any assistance to voters in marking ballot paper;

- interfering in the work of election commissions, including sealing of ballot boxes, their opening and counting of votes.

It should be noted that election is due on December 22, Sunday. Around 900 observers from foreign countries and international organizations are expected to take part in it.

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