SOCIETY | 15:09 / 14.05.2016
4 min read

125 pharmaceutical enterprises of Uzbekistan produce 1753 names of medicines

Uzbekistan pays particular attention to the development of pharmaceutical industry and quality control of the products of this sector. These and many other issues were discussed at a press conference held in the capital by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It was noted that our country has adopted a number of laws and regulations aimed at the development of the pharmaceutical industry, providing high-quality, safe and yet affordable medicines.

If in the first years of independence, there were only 2 enterprises specialized in the production of medicines, which had been producing about 20 kinds of medicines, at the present time 125 pharmaceutical enterprises have a license to manufacture pharmaceutical and medical products. 1753 names of medicines produced by them are registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan and are approved for application in medical practice.

Hereby, 30 domestic pharmaceutical enterprises have implemented international standards ISO 9001 and recommended by the World Health Organization GMP standard (Good manufacturing practice).

20 pharmaceutical enterprises of Uzbekistan export pharmaceutical and medical products to more than 30 countries.

Among the domestic medicines there are a number of original drugs from medicinal plants growing in Uzbekistan. Meanwhile, it is worth to note the scientific work conducted at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after A.S. Sadykov and Institute of chemistry of vegetative substances named after Academic S.Yu. Yunusov. Over the last 20 years these institutions on the basis of local vegetable raw materials have developed about 30 original medicines and started their production by domestic enterprises. Thus, if in 2015 there were 4563 tons of medicinal plant raw materials harvested, in 2016, this number is expected to reach 6178 tons.

During the press-conference, it was emphasized that the Republic has established an effective system of quality control of medicines. Is it provided by the general Directorate for quality control of medicines and medical equipment of the Ministry of Health, its branches and the control-analytical laboratory of JSC "Dori-Darmon" and the internal control and analytical laboratory of the domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers.

The State center of examination and standardization of medicines of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan are included in the list of quality control laboratories that meet the requirements of the Global Fund Quality Assurance (ISO/IEC17025) and meet international standards of the World Health Organization.
