BUSINESS | 15:30 / 14.05.2016
2 min read

Archives: Business for the Youth

This is evidenced by data provided at a press-conference by “UzArchive” Agency officials to journalists.

There are 103 state archives, 110 interdepartmental personnel archives under local khokimiyats (administrations) and more than 9 thousand departmental ones. 1,500 people work in those organizations, the majority of whom are young people. Conditions have been created for training young specialists capable to work with the use of modern information-communication technologies. General Director of the “UzArchive” Agency, A. Abdullayev, elaborated on the subject.

“The boys and girls are trained at 28 professional colleges to master the subjects “Archiving” and “Office work”. The archivists with higher education at trained at the National University of Uzbekistan, the Tashkent University of information technologies, the Bukhara and Namangan State universities.

“Personnel of the Agency improve their qualification levels at training courses “Performance monitoring” and “The fundamentals of organization of departmental archives’ activities” under the central state archives.  

“The information-communication technologies are being actively introduced into the Agency’s activities with the development of “e-government” and the interactive state services’ unified portal. And the youth plays a key role in that today,” Abdullayev emphasized. 
