SOCIETY | 12:44 / 14.05.2016
2 min read

"Kuwait Times": Mahalla further strengthens peace in Uzbekistan

Leading Kuwaiti newspaper "Kuwait Times" published an article on the role and value of citizens' self-governance bodies in public and political life of Uzbekistan.

The article reported that under the leadership of President Islam Karimov the Institute of Mahalla is revived and enriched with new contents. It has become a true reflection of national traditions and values ​​of Uzbek people. This body is a testament for the democratic approach to the solution of the spiritual, economic and social issues. Makhallas perform more than 30 functions that were previously the responsibility of the public authorities in the field. Thus, today the meeting of citizens is the body connecting people with the state.

It is noted that the improvement of the activities of self-government as defined in the Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country, plays an important role in further enhancing their credibility. As a result of realization of the norms specified in this document, their role is increasing in the implementation of public control over the activities of government.

In conclusion, it was noted that Mahalla contributes to the further strengthening of peace in the country, development of Uzbekistan and welfare of the people. Formation of a strong civil society promotes the prestige of the country.
