BUSINESS | 15:34 / 14.05.2016
4 min read

Uzbekistan establishes Center for analysis of world markets

The new Centre for the analysis of global markets, investments and technologies will be established in the structure of the National Bank for foreign economic activity. It is stipulated by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures on organization of activities of the Centre for the analysis of global markets, investments and technologies in the National Bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated 5 May of the current year.

The document was adopted in order to ensure the in-depth analysis of global markets, exploring advanced technologies of developed countries and developing on this basis, detailed recommendations on investment activities of specific sectors of the domestic economy, as well as the efficient organization of the preparation of an economic and technological assessment in the formation of investment projects.

Followings have been defined as the main tasks and directions of activities of the Centre:

- implementation of the in-depth analysis of technological, breakthrough directions in developed countries and developing on this basis, detailed recommendations for the implementation of investment projects in specific sectors of the domestic economy;

- study and analysis of the leading companies, industries and markets, as well as areas of their development and investment strategies;

- enhanced cooperation with foreign banks to strengthen partnerships, attraction of credits and loans to finance large investment projects;

- cooperation with domestic and foreign research and analytical centers in the field of study and exchange of information on advanced technologies, as well as financing high-tech investment projects;

- preparation of reports and surveys in the field of new technologies, as well as proposals for consideration by the branches of economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- review of weekly global and domestic financial indexes and other economic indicators in terms of industries and enterprises.

The resolution approved the composition of the Interagency group for the coordination of the activities of the Centre, which will define its main directions and subjects of analytical work, will hear its reports at its sessions.

The document also approved the Center's structure with the total number of personnel comprising 7 units. The Centre will be led by a Director, who is appointed and dismissed by the Chairman of the National Bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan in coordination with the Interagency group for the coordination of the activities of the Centre.

Funding of the Centre's activities will be carried out in accordance with the approved estimates of expenditure and the wage fund, in the manner applicable to other structural divisions of the National Bank for foreign economic activity, as well as through other sources not prohibited by legislation.

The National Bank within one month has been requested to complement the Center with experienced and highly qualified specialists, as well as with necessary modern office equipment and communication means.
