BUSINESS | 11:46 / 28.05.2016
1 min read

Assets of non-bank credit organizations reach 123.7 billion soums

According to the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, as on April 1, 2016, there were 28 microcredit organizations and 45 pawnshops operating throughout the country.

Total assets of non-bank credit organizations (NCOs) amounted to over 123.7 billion soums, which is 46% more than in the same period last year.

The remainder of the loan portfolio non-bank credit institutions increased over the year by 50% and exceeded a total of 109.2 billion soums. Their aggregate capital grew by 41% and reached 90.5 billion soums.

Non-bank credit organization are not entitled to accept deposits and provide microfinance services advantageously at their own expense.
