SOCIETY | 12:41 / 06.09.2018
2 min read

Amount of payment for cotton harvesting is announced

The amount of money, paid for one kilogram of cotton harvested during the cotton campaign, is announced by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov at a videoconference meeting on September 5. The meeting was held at the Cabinet of Ministers, says a correspondent.

As stated by the Head of government, 400 sums will be paid for one kilogram of cotton that is harvested using cotton harvesting machines and 650 to 1,000 sums will be paid for one kilo of cotton that is hand-picked.

In the first stage of the harvesting term, until 60 % of the production quotas are delivered, gatherers will get 650 sums per kilogram of cotton. The amount will increase to 850 sums in the second stage and to 1,000 sums in the third.

In addition, a special order was set for areas with low population. Additional 150 sums for meal costs and another 150 sums for a kilogram of cotton will be disbursed for harvesters of Jizzakh, Sirdarya and Tashkent regions and for gatherers of certain districts in Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions. Thus, they will receive 950 sums per kg of cotton in the first stage of the term, 1,150 sums in the second and 1,300 sums in the third stages.

These funds will be provided by the State Fund for Agricultural Support under the Ministry of Finance. For this purpose, the Fund is planning to allocate 246,404 billion sums.

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