SOCIETY | 18:02 / 14.09.2018
1 min read

Some streets in Tashkent to be temporarily closed for traffic today

Movement of vehicles will be temporarily restricted in certain streets of Tashkent, the press service of the Tashkent city khokimiyat reports.

In connection with the event at the square near the Alisher Navoi academic theater, the following streets will be closed for traffic from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm on September 14:

Zarafshan Street - from Islam Karimov Street to Matbuotchilar Street;
Bukhara Street - from Nuroniy Street to Buyuk Turon Street;
Buyuk Turon Street - from Matbuotchilar Street to Islam Karimov Street;
Islam Karimov Street - from Sharof Rashidov Street to Taras Shevchenko Street;

“The Tashkent city khokimiyat apologizes for temporary inconveniences,” the report reads.

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