12:54 / 13.11.2018

Uzbekistan to unveil data on natural resources

Uzbekistan will officially publish data on its gold and other natural resources. Specifically, information on total reserves, extraction volumes, revenue and distribution of funds raised from the sale of resources will be disclosed. The draft resolution on publishing data was proposed by the Ministry of Finance.

According to the draft document, the mining-metallurgical plants “Almalyk” and “Navoi” have to issue their financial statements for the past five years. Such commitment can also be made by the Fund “Reconstruction and Development”. 

In addition, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan will provide archival data up to 2017 on gold-foreign exchange reserves and their structure. It should be noted that data on foreign exchange reserves are published on the website of the Central Bank regularly since 2017.

Besides, the Cabinet of Ministers has to provide details of the country’s external debt - sources, interest rates, repayment terms, etc. Disclosure of such information is carried out in order to further increase the transparency of statistical data and the attractiveness of the country’s investment climate.

Uzbekistan has begun to disclose statistics since 2017. At the moment, most ministries and departments regularly publish relevant statistics on websites. However, there are certain inconsistencies in some data.

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