13:01 / 15.11.2018

Uzbekistan overtakes Kazakhstan in the number of tourists travelling to the Kyrgyz Republic

Фото: travelhub.tours

“For the first time this year Uzbekistan has overtaken Kazakhstan in the number of citizens who have arrived in Kyrgyzstan,” Deputy Director of the Department of Tourism Chubak Omorov said at a meeting of the Council for Business Development and Investment on November 14.

Last year, as of September, more than 379 thousand Uzbek citizens travelled to Kyrgyzstan, and this year, their number has risen to 2 million 422 thousand people. The number of Kazakhstani citizens who visited the Kyrgyz Republic amounted to a little over 2 million people and the Russians 396 thousand.

“I would also like to note that the number of Turkish and Chinese citizens remained at about the same level - 39 thousand and 25 thousand people. Positive dynamics is observed with the citizens of Germany. Last year, according to the results of the first 9 months, about 8 thousand tourists arrived from Germany. This year, their number has increased up to 19 thousand people,” Mr. Omorov said.

He also added that last year 11 thousand people came from the USA, and this year 12 thousand came in the first 9 months.

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