20:51 / 21.11.2018

Uzbekistan declares victory over malaria

For the second year in a row, the rates of reduction in the incidence of malaria and mortality have been decreasing in the world, the press service of the United Nations (UN) reports. At the same time, Uzbekistan, Algeria and Argentina reported a complete victory over the disease on their territory and asked the World Health Organization (WHO) to record their success.

Earlier, Paraguay declared such success, the percentage of people infected in India decreased by a quarter and there is progress in Ethiopia and Pakistan too.

In general, over the past year, 70 % of all cases of malaria and death from this infection fell on 10 African countries and India. In some of them, the incidence of malaria is decreasing much more slowly than in previous years.

The World Health Organization seeks to reduce the incidence of malaria by 40 % by 2020. At today’s pace, however, this task cannot be fulfilled, the UN concluded.

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