BUSINESS | 20:45 / 27.11.2018
2 min read

Uzbekistan to introduce authorized economic operators to simplify customs procedures 

In Uzbekistan, the requirement to register export contracts in relation to all goods at the State Customs Service has been canceled, correspondent reports with reference to the presidential decree. 

Mr. Mirziyoyev instructed to approve, before January 1, 2019, the Regulation on authorized economic operators. They will consider the procedure for granting the status of authorized economic operator, as well as the types of simplified customs procedures that can be used.

The President also instructed to approve the updated rates of customs duties with the optimization of their types and establishment of fixed rates by the end of December. At the same time, before March 1, 2019, the Prosecutor General’s Office should submit to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis draft laws to strengthen legal measures for offenses in the sphere of foreign economic activity, including an increase in the amount of penalties and damage to customs identification tools.

Another important point is that the head of state commissioned, until February 1, 2019, to simplify the procedure for considering appeals of participants in foreign economic activity to critically reconsider the distribution of powers between territorial departments and customs posts with the transfer of partial powers to customs posts. 

The document envisages a new punishment for careless customs officers. Thus, now with respect to employees serving in the state customs service, a measure of disciplinary punishment “arrest with content in the guardhouse” is being introduced.

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