16:20 / 05.12.2018

GDP of Uzbekistan to reach $ 479 billion by 2035 

 The “Great Future” international non-profit organization has developed a draft strategy for development of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2035 with the support of the auditing-advisory organization KPMG. On December 4, the first presentation of the concept was held at the “Development strategy center”.  
Goal of the development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2035 is to introduce the state to 50 most developed countries of the world. 
The draft concept outlines reforming public administration, development of the economy and social sphere, supporting innovation and technology as the main directions of improvement.
Another objective of the project is to improve the legislative framework, judicial system, political culture of the population and governance of the institutions. It allows successful implementation of reforms and increase the role of Uzbekistan in the international indices. 
In accordance with the implementation of deep structural transformations in the economy, by 2035, gross domestic product (GDP) of the country will grow to $ 479 billion. This scale of growth is compared to the dynamics of economically developed countries, such as China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand considering the nominal GDP growth, economic efficiency, as well as per capita income growth. 
Today, the share of tourism industry in the country constitutes 1.4% GDP and by 2035, it is planned to grow up to 28%. It is envisaged to increase the number of manufactured cars to 300,000 units and employment in the network by 1.5 times.

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