14:50 / 05.12.2018

Uzbek athletes win batch of medals in International Open Karate Championship “KL Mayor’s Cup”

Malaysian capital hosted the 5th International Open Karate Championship “KL Mayor’s Cup” on Dec. 1-2, Malaysian media reported.

It was attended by young athletes from Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Singapore.

18 athletes from Uzbekistan defended the honor of our country in the tournament.

Four of them - Rustam Suvonov, Dilshodbek Nuraliyev, Jakhongir Nasimov and Farangiz Eshonkulova became gold medalists, while Asilbek Sagatov, Mirsaid Chuliboyev, Gulirano Jurayeva, Sitora Avazova won silver and Shakhram Suvonov, Abdulloh Jurayev and Jonibek Davronov bagged bronze medals.

Sevara Jumaniyozova (59 kg) secured a silver medal among juniors in kumite, and a bronze medal in kata.

Uzbek athletes won one gold and one silver in kumite team competitions in total. 

Furthermore, our female athletes took the highest step of the podium in kumite team competition.

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