16:26 / 25.12.2018

Uzbekistan ranked 64 in the Paying Taxes 2019 rating

Photo: PwC

Uzbekistan took the 64th place in the Paying Taxes 2019 ranking, which is conducted by PwC in cooperation with the World Bank.

According to the study, the total tax rate of Uzbekistan is 32.1%, which represents the proportion of taxes and contributions to the company's profits. If this indicator is compared with other countries’, it is lower than the average for the states of Central Asia and Eastern Europe (32.8%), and also significantly lower than the average for the OECD countries (40.2%).

In terms of the annual amount of time required to comply with tax laws, Uzbekistan’s indicator (181 hours) is inferior to OECD countries (162 hours), but it is ahead of most of the Central Asian and Eastern European countries (the average for the region is 220 hours).

Another comparative indicator of the study is the number of tax payments per year. This indicator for our state is 10 payments. For the countries of Central Asia and Eastern Europe, this figure is 16 payments, while for OECD countries – 11 and the world average is 24 payments per year.

According to the study, 163 countries in the world use the VAT system. The best indicators on the rate of VAT refund belong to the countries of the European Union, which distinguishes them from the countries of Central America, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region.

The smallest taxes on profits are paid by businessmen in Brunei (8%), Vanuatu (8.5%), Georgia (9.9%), Qatar (11.3%), Kuwait and Macedonia (13%).

The largest tax burden is in the Comoros (219.6%), Argentina (106%), Bolivia and Eritrea (83.7% each), Equatorial Guinea (79.4%), Palau (75.8%), Central African Republic (73.3%), Colombia (71.9%) and Afghanistan (71.4%).

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