SOCIETY | 20:35 / 26.12.2018
2 min read

Uzbekistan to introduce a simplified procedure for granting citizenship

A simplified procedure for granting Citizenship of Uzbekistan will be introduced. This is stated in the program of developing draft of legislations in 2019 and submitting them into the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the program, a draft law “On citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (in new edition) will be developed.

The draft law envisages:

• transfer of the norms of normative-legal acts regulating the issues of citizenship to the law documents having a supreme legal force;

• identifying directly applicable norms;

• introduction of a simplified procedure for the granting citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Responsible executors for development of the draft law - Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Security Service and Prosecutor General's Office.

Deadline for submitting the draft document to the Cabinet of Ministers is May 2019 and approximate duration of inclusion in the Legislative Chamber - June 2019.

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