SOCIETY | 22:27 / 27.12.2018
4 min read

Nexia driver may be imprisoned for 7 years for the death of a motorcyclist in Tashkent

The driver of Nexia, who bumped into a motorcyclist in Tashkent, could get 7 years of imorisonment, correspondent reports. 
It should be recalled that on November 18 of this year, at 17:25, in “Mirabad” district of Tashkent, two vehicles collided: a Honda motorcycle and a Nexia. As a result of the accident, the motorcycle driver Akmal Sh., 33, was taken to the first Republican clinical hospital with severe injuries. At the same time, the Nexia driver Azim A., 27, resident of Kashkadarya region, received minor injuries. 
According to the preliminary data, the cause of the accident was the non-observance of the traffic rules by the car driver: the car went for a U-turn in the wrong place (through a double solid marking line) and did not let the driver of the motorcycle move along the main road. 
Despite the efforts of doctors, the motorcycle driver Akmal Sh. died on 1 December due to his fatal injuries. Consequently, a family with underage children was left without a breadwinner. 
On December 13, a criminal case under Article 266 (Part 2) of the Criminal Code was initiated against the driver of the car (violation of the rules of driving safety or vehicle operation, which causes the death of a person). Now, the offender might be imprisoned for up to seven years and deprived of certain rights. 
"According to the statistics, turns and U-turns of cars in the wrong place, as well as ignoring the rules of priority of movement caused most motorcycle accidents. On the contrary, it is believed that accidents with the participation of motorcyclists occur mostly not by their fault,” the traffic patrol department noted.

Since January 1, 2018, nine traffic accidents involving motorcycles have occurred in Tashkent falling under criminal legislation. Majority of them were caused by car drivers. 
It is also interesting that in 2017, three times fewer accidents of similar severity were registered with the participation of motorcycles. 
According to the traffic police department, the number of motorcycles on the roads of the capital is steadily increasing: since January 1, 2018, 184 motorcycles have been registered in the traffic departments of Tashkent. This is a significant increase compared with figures of past years. 

Under the conditions of the road situation in Uzbekistan, it is more common for the driver to recognize large objects on the roads: other light vehicles, trucks, auto trains and buses. 
Two-wheeled vehicles - bicycles, scooters, mopeds and motorcycles, were rarely seen on the roads earlier. Therefore, today it is more difficult for the driver of the car to notice them psychologically in the mirrors or in front. At the same time, the number of two-wheeled vehicles on the roads of the country is growing steadily. This requires an urgent conscious restructuring of the perception of car drivers.

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