14:03 / 08.01.2019

Inflation rate in Uzbekistan increased by 3% in 2018

Photo: Pixabay

According to official data at the end of 2018, the inflation rate in the country was 17.5% (for comparison this figure was 14.4% in 2017 and 5.7% in 2016). The reason for instant growth, as experts said, was the devaluation of the national currency and the liberalization of the foreign exchange market.

In addition, at the end of last year, food products became more expensive by 20.1%, and non-food products - by 17.1%. The cost of services went up by 12.1%.

Earlier, the State Statistics Committee published a list of cities in Uzbekistan with the lowest and highest prices for different types of food products. It turned out that the most expensive beef can be purchased in Chirchik - for 52 thousand sums per kilogram, and the cheapest - in Nukus, where it costs only 26 thousand sums per kg.

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