20:35 / 11.01.2019

Civil courts collected over 283 billion soums from debtors in 2018

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The civil courts last year collected over 283 billion soums from debtors, Kun.uz correspondent reports citing data from the Supreme Court.

“In 2018, the civil courts examined 217,324 cases, which is 24.2% less than in 2017. During this period, 236,030 court orders were issued to collect mandatory payments of more than 283 billion soums, which shows a 70.7% decrease compared to the same period a year earlier,” said Aziz Abidov, a spokesman for the Supreme Court.

In addition, civil affairs courts issued 39,402 orders on divorce cases, 30,413 orders on disputes involving agreements, 1,709 orders on evictions from dwelling premises, 1,515 orders on cases of reinstatement and 1,208 orders in cases of deprivation of parental rights.

The judicial panel on civil cases of the Supreme Court reviewed 1,317 cases in a supervisory review procedure. 541 decisions of the lower courts were revoked and 112 court decisions were amended.

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