13:50 / 16.01.2019

Tax officer takes bribe through “Payme” in Navoi region

An employee of the State Tax Inspectorate of the Karmana district of the Navoi region was detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe, Kun.uz correspondent reports with reference to the Department of Internal Affairs of the region.

“Citizen E. Kh., residing in Katta Machit makhalla, Karmana District, in the course of preparing cadastral documentation for the real estate property turned to the State Tax Inspectorate of the district for obtaining a certificate on the absence of land tax and property tax debts,” the source noted.

Tax officer G. P. told him about the existing debt in the amount of 1 million 300 thousand soums. He also said that he can “settle” the matter if E. Kh. transfers 650 thousand soums to his plastic card account through Click or Payme.

As a result, the man transferred the requested money to the inspector’s account, after which G. P. was detained.

The investigation into the case continues.

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