13:36 / 04.02.2019

South Ural Cardiac Surgery Center opens in Uzbekistan

In Chelyabinsk, a cooperation agreement was signed, in accordance with which Uzbekistan will create a cardiac surgery center based on the experience and scientific achievements of South Ural State University doctors, Sibnovosti.ru reports

In the framework of cooperation among the regions of the SCO countries, the signing of an agreement between the Chelyabinsk region and Uzbekistan has become symbolic. The two sides called the project a vivid example of not only trade and economic cooperation, but also an exchange of scientific developments.

“The time has come to pay particular attention to the development of cardiac surgery sphere. We can provide doctors with decent salaries. We can build modern medical centers today. But it is important for us to sharply improve the qualifications of doctors,” the Head of Health Department of the Namangan region Solijon Muminov noted.

That is why the representatives of the medical community of the Namangan region joined the Uzbek delegation, which visited the South Urals. They examined the wards and were permitted to pre-operative zones of the cardiac center.

“If in Russia about 50% of deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases, in Uzbekistan this figure is 65%. With such statistics, it is immoral to have and not share any professional or technological secrets. We are ready to accept colleagues from Uzbekistan for retraining. Our best specialists are ready to establish cardiac surgery centers in the republic. Moreover, we want this knowledge exchange to take place on an ongoing basis and be supported by the authorities,” the chief doctor of the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery Oleg Lukin said.

In the near future, Chelyabinsk doctors will visit the Uzbek clinics as experts, and the Health Department of the Namangan region will prepare candidates for internships in Chelyabinsk.
