14:30 / 14.03.2019

Uzbekistan intends to reach China through Tajikistan along new route

A route from Uzbekistan to China through the territory of Tajikistan will launch operating. The corresponding decree of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has been adopted.

Measures have already been approved to increase the transit potential of the transport sector of Uzbekistan. “An auto race will be organized along the route Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-China,” says one of the points on the roadmap.

A representative of the Uzbek Ministry of Transport explained that the rally should demonstrate the possibilities and reserves to increase the transit potential of direct deliveries of goods from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to China.

“The route of the rally is being worked out,” the representative of the Ministry of Transport said.

The roadmap also provides for measures to reduce the passage of heavy and oversized vehicles through the Kamchik pass in the Tashkent region at the expense of alternative bypass transport corridors through the territory of Tajikistan.

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