15:53 / 13.04.2019

Hoteliers Association established in Uzbekistan

It is announced that a new structure - the Association of hoteliers, aimed at expanding and improving the quality of hotel services, has been created. According to the press service of the State Committee for Tourism Development, the main goal of the new structure is to develop domestic hotel industry, expand and improve the quality of hotel services, introduce national and international programs in the hotel industry.

On April 11, in the capital city, the Hoteliers Association, together with local and foreign partners, organized a welcome-forum “Hospitality - challenges and solutions”.

The main purpose of the forum was to boost Uzbekistan’s hospitality industry, to participate in the exchange of best practices in creating a civilized industry infrastructure, popularizing the hotelier profession, providing marketing, consulting and information services, as well as creating a database of highly qualified specialists, recruitment services. 

At the ceremonial opening of the Forum, the Acting Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism Development Abdulaziz Akkulov delivered a speech and welcomed the participants of the Forum:

“At the state level, the tourism industry is given priority as a strategic sector of the national economy. Uzbekistan has created favorable conditions for investors, including investments in the construction of hotels. Entrepreneurs in the field of tourism were provided dozens of benefits. In order to stimulate growth in the construction of hotels, an order is being introduced, in accordance with which the state reimburses investors for part of the cost for building hotels. As a result of these and other measures taken to support and protect the private sector, a high increase in hotel construction is expected. If in 2017-2018 about 100 hotels were built annually in the country on average, then this year the figure is expected to exceed 170. Similarly, the growth rate of hotel rooms in the country this year will be 37% compared to 4% and 5% in 2017 and 2018. Considering these facts, I urge all participants and investors to take an active part in development of the hotel industry in Uzbekistan”.

During the event, leading experts working in Uzbekistan, speakers from the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey, representatives of the hotel networks “Radisson Hotels Group”, “International Hotel Tashkent”, “Double Treeby Hilton Almaty”, “Hotels&Hospitality”, “AlmaU” spoke on the issues of development of hospitality infrastructure, hotel business, more efficient use of marketing tools and technologies in order to create conditions that support and stimulate the quality and volume of providing hotel services in the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

The forum provided an opportunity for business circles to communicate and discuss the issues of cooperation, exchange information and experience, which will allow solving the key tasks of the hospitality industry taking into account national traditions, the latest technologies and best practices of industry professionals.

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