15:20 / 20.04.2019

Compatriots Forum held in the Netherlands

In accordance with the presidential decree No. PP-3982 dated 10.25.2018 “On measures to further improve the state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the sphere of cooperation with compatriots living abroad”, the State Committee for Tourism Development together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions abroad are actively working to promote the tourism potential of Uzbekistan among foreign nationals, the press service of the Tourism Committee reported.

Recently in Amsterdam, the first Compatriots Forum was held with the participation of more than 70 people living in different regions of the Netherlands. During this event, the official opening of the Association of Compatriots living in the Benelux countries chaired by Albina Giniyatullina, a native of Uzbekistan, Director of Tours Holland, took place.

The approved Association Charter contains provisions regulating activities aimed at promoting the preservation and development of the national Uzbek flavor in the Benelux countries. The main objectives of the association to promote the country's tourist potential are:

- organizing and conducting mass cultural and leisure events, workshops on tourism and sports;

- promoting tourist products in the domestic and foreign markets;

- creating a single information tourist space;

- providing tourist information services;

- rendering consulting assistance to people.

It should also be noted that all people from Uzbekistan who live in the Benelux countries can voluntarily join and become full members of the association.

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