11:25 / 07.05.2019

Energy Minister of Uzbekistan asks China Petroleum to prove indebtedness of Uzbekneftegaz in court

Photo: telegraph.co.uk

The state-owned China Petroleum Technology & Development Corporation (CPTDC), which claims that Uzbekneftegaz owes more than $16 million to it, should appeal to court to prove its claims. This was announced on Monday by the First Deputy Energy Minister of Uzbekistan Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov.

The letter received by Kun.uz from the Chinese company in April states that the debt of the divisions of Uzbekneftegaz to CPTDC (CNPC subsidiary) was formed on seven contracts. The company claims that in order to resolve the issue peacefully, “many times and for quite a long time letters were addressed” to the JSC Uzbekneftegaz management.

Mirzamakhmudov noted that “there is a procedure for judicial relations, and if you have deposited something, please collect debts”.

“Uzbekistan always pays loans on time, any international organization can confirm this. As for debts to Lukoil (a debt of $600 million), this issue is being resolved. If the Chinese company delivered services and equipment, then let them prove to whom they supplied,” Mirzamakhmudov said. 

“Let them settle in court if there is a debt,” he stressed once again.

The CPTDC claims that they were forced to turn to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, as the company received an answer to numerous requests on debts that “they are not paid due to the lack of necessary foreign currency”.

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