18:00 / 11.05.2019

About 500 Moldovans expelled from Uzbekistan for breaking the law

Law enforcement officers expelled about 500 Moldovans from Uzbekistan who were engaged in fraudulent operations. 

According to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the capital, from 2015 to 2018, Tashkent residents and city guests often complained about people who came from Moldova and represented themselves as entrepreneurs. More than ten cases of fraud and theft were initiated under the Criminal Code of the Republic.

“In addition, over one hundred administrative protocols were issued on the fact of violation of the rules for the stay of foreign citizens in Uzbekistan (Article 225 of the Administrative Responsibility Code) and about 500 Moldovans were expelled from our republic for systematic violation of these rules,” the publication says.

This spring, citizens began to contact the police of Tashkent and demanded that they should take action against persons of Moldovan nationality who sold them goods that are available at almost every market in the capital. Law enforcement officers began to conduct preventive discussions with citizens. They were urged not to rush to buy dishes, bed linen, cosmetics, perfumery and other goods from their hands, but first find out the prices in stores and markets.

“Employees explained to people that the actions of Moldovan citizens buying goods at markets, and then reselling unsuspecting citizens at three times higher prices, are not part of the crime,” the police department said.

Moreover, some representatives of Moldova had patents for business activities.

“Pseudo-entrepreneurs from Moldova, of course, are very unhappy that employees of the Tashkent police department promptly respond to appeals of the population and do not allow them to carry out the so-called “entrepreneurial activity”, in fact, more reminiscent of the banal deception of the elderly and young mommies who have no time to visit markets,” the publication says.

According to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, now these “pseudo-entrepreneurs” prefer “not to get involved” in business in Tashkent. Now they stop somewhere in the Tashkent region”.

As noted at the police department, many residents of the capital were convinced that the deceivers were purchasing goods from “Chilonzor Buyum Bozori”, “Toshkent Savdo Markazi”, “Bek-Baraka”, and potential buyers are assured that the products are made abroad.
