16:01 / 21.05.2019

Presidential decree: Uzbek-Emirati Investment Company is exempt from taxes for 10 years

Photo: Uzdaily

The Presidential decree on measures to organize activities of the Uzbek-Emirati Investment Company has been adopted. This is reported by the Ministry of Justice.

The LLC Uzbek-Emirates Investment Company with an authorized capital of $10 million was established on March 24, 2019. It is envisaged that its authorized capital will be gradually increased up to $1 billion.

The share of the Abu Dhabi Development Fund (UAE) in the authorized capital of this company is 75% and share of the Reconstruction and Development Fund (Uzbekistan) - 25%.

According to the decree, the Company and its founders are exempt for ten years from taxes for income, property, land, including VAT, while realizing the project. 

Foreign specialists employed in the company, including their family members, are issued multiple entry visas without paying the state duty.
