21:50 / 30.05.2019

State share in the LLC “Issiklikkuvvattamir” sold for 4.9 billion soums through auction

Photo: privatization.davaktiv.uz

The state share in in the LLC “Issiklikkuvvattamir” was sold at auction for 4.9 billion soums, follows from the E-ijro data.

The controlling stake of 51% has been tried to be sold since 2017 – ads were published in the “Birja” and “Toshkent Okshomi” newspapers, and the trades were held offline. In the summer of 2018, the asset was put up for sale on the privatization.davaktiv.uz website.

It was possible to find a buyer only after E-ijro Auktsion began selling government assets. After that, the package of shares at the LLC “Issiklikkuvvattamir” was put up for sale for 4.6 billion soums.

LLC Madamin was the winner offering 4.9 billion soums. It had outbid another participant, LLC Simplex, who offered 4.8 billion soums.

For information, LLC “Issiklikkuvvattamir” is located in the Yakkasaray district of Tashkent. It is a specialized enterprise in construction and installation works.
