POLITICS | 16:35 / 10.09.2019
2 min read

New wage rates for manual cotton harvest approved

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution “On measures to stimulate and organize harvest of raw cotton”, and approved new tariffs for cotton harvest in 2019. 

So, for 1 ton of cotton harvested using machines, will cost 600,000 soums, 1 kg of raw cotton picked manually during the first harvest – 800 soums, during the second harvest – 1200 soums;

In addition, the heads of units consisting of temporarily unemployed citizens are provided with a payment of 2 million soums, managers of cotton harvest centers – 3 million soums from the budget of the Foundation for public works under the Ministry of Labor. 

In order to increase the material interest of farmers, it was recommended that they themselves determine the remuneration for the manual collection of raw cotton in the area allocated to them (it should not be lower than the price established by this resolution).

It should be recalled that the tariff rates for last year’s harvest were set at 650, 850 and 1000 soums (for three harvest periods).

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