SOCIETY | 20:10 / 14.09.2019
2 min read

European Mobility Week to be held in Tashkent

Tashkent for the first time has become an official participant in the European Mobility Week, which takes place annually on September 16-22. About 50 countries around the world take part in it, the press service of JSC Uzbekistan Railways reported. 

The event, initiated by the Tashkent authorities with the support of the EU delegation, will be held from September 16 to 22. It is aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population and offers to take part in two campaigns: “Free Ride in Metro” and “Car-Free Day”. 

The “Free Ride in Metro” campaign will be held on September 19, when access to all metro stations will be free. It is noted that on that day, one can see musicians, actors and other participants of entertainment programs at metro stations.

“Car-Free Day” will also be held on one of the streets of the capital’s Uchtepa district on September 22. On the Lutfiy Street, which will be inaccessible to cars throughout the day, various entertainment shows, mini-contests, workshops on mobility and safety will also be organized. The day ends with a concert in the Seoul Park. 

In 2019, over 2,450 cities across the world joined the European mobility week.

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