16:00 / 18.10.2019

Uzbekistan, Malaysia aim to intensify cooperation in the tourism sector

On October 18, 2019, Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov received the delegation of Malaysia, headed by Deputy Foreign Minister of the country Marzuki Yahya, the MFA press service said.

Photo: MFA

During the conversation, the current state of bilateral relations in various fields and prospects for their further development were discussed.

It was confirmed that the parties attach particular importance to filling the cooperation agenda with concrete initiatives and projects in all areas of mutual interest.

In this regard, the results of a joint business forum with the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) on October 15 in Tashkent were highly appreciated. In particular, the opening of MATRADE representative office in Uzbekistan testifies to the growing interest of business circles of the two countries in expanding trade, economic and investment relations.

At the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of intensifying tourist and cultural-humanitarian exchanges. It was noted that the mutual introduction of a visa-free regime for citizens for 30 days helps to increase tourist flows in both directions.

The parties also considered proposals for organizing and implementing joint research projects between participating organizations and institutions of the two countries.

The sides exchanged views on international and regional issues as well.

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