SOCIETY | 21:45 / 24.10.2019
2 min read

Regions of Uzbekistan with the highest average income announced

As of January-September 2019, total income of the population amounted to 251.8 trillion soums, the nominal growth rate was 22.3%.

According to the State Statistics Committee, one of the main types of inflation – the Consumer Price Index - is used to exclude the impact of price factors in calculating real income growth rates. The real growth of the population’s total income compared to the corresponding period of the previous year was 7.1% due to changes in consumer prices.

As of January-September 2019, per capita income was 7.5 million soums. The nominal growth rate was 20.0% and the real growth rate – 5.2%.

Indicators of average per capita income above the national average were reported in the city of Tashkent (14.7 million soums), Navoi region (11.6 million soums), Bukhara region (9.4 million soums) and Khorezm region (7.9 million soums).

The lowest per capita incomes were registered in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (5.4 million soums), Namangan region (5.9 million soums) and Fergana region (5.8 million soums).

The highest real per capita incomes were in Tashkent (12.2%) and Andijan region (7.1%). At the same time, real growth of per capita income in the Navoi region (6.9%), the Republic of Karakalpakstan (6.6%), Syrdarya (5.6%) and Namangan (5.7%) regions exceeded the national average.

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