19:11 / 08.11.2019

Ministry of Interior: Uzbekistan is not planning to introduce dual citizenship

Adoption of dual citizenship in Uzbekistan is not planned. This was announced by the press secretary of the Interior Ministry Shokhruh Giyosov at a press conference on November 7.

At the event, a question was asked about the reasons for the ban on dual citizenship in our country.

“Dual citizenship is prohibited by law in Uzbekistan. This is a global experience. So many countries follow it. There are many reasons for the ban on dual citizenship. The main reason is to prevent lobbying,” Kun.uz correspondent quoted Shokhrukh Giyosov as saying.

Earlier, an expert from the INGO “Buyuk Kelajak” proposed introducing the institution of dual citizenship in Uzbekistan, in response the nationwide movement “Yuksalish” stated that this issue is not relevant for our country.

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