BUSINESS | 11:45 / 19.11.2019
3 min read

World Bank to allocate Uzbekistan $100 million for the “Prosperous village” project 

The WB Board of Executive Directors has approved a $100 million loan to the Government of Uzbekistan from the International Development Association (IDA, an organization within the World Bank Group).

These funds will be directed to the implementation of the project “Obod qishloq” (“Prosperous village”). It aims to improve the quality of social infrastructure and utilities in rural areas. Mahallas will independently decide in which infrastructural subprojects to invest project funds.

“This project will help people in rural areas receive funds for the development of social infrastructure and utilities, which are extremely important in their communities,” Hideki Mori, head of the World Bank office in Uzbekistan noted. “It will also help strengthen partnerships between local authorities and rural communities by stimulating the participation of rural residents, men and women, senior citizens and young people, in decision-making on issues that directly affect their daily life”. 

The villages, which will be selected as part of the project, will be able to independently determine small subprojects for restoration or construction of the social infrastructure facilities necessary for their mahallas, including kindergartens, schools, clinics, roads, street lighting, bus stops, antennas for transmitting wireless Internet, etc. In addition, the rural settlements participating in the project will be able to improve their water supply and sanitation systems, solid waste management, as well as other utilities in their mahallas.

Reportedly, about 300 villages in Andijan, Fergana, Namangan, Jizzakh and Syrdarya regions of Uzbekistan will be able to receive funding for implementation of such subprojects.

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