SOCIETY | 22:24 / 20.11.2019
2 min read

Defense Ministry presents Victory Park maquette in Tashkent

Photo: Defense Ministry

In 2020, the world community will widely celebrate an important historical date - the 75th anniversary of Victory in the World War II.

The Victory Park will be built in Tashkent by the anniversary date. Its concept was developed in accordance with the presidential decree “On a worthy celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the World War II”, adopted on October 23, 2019.

“When creating the concept of the Victory Park, we studied the experience of a number of foreign countries in creating similar parks and squares, memorial complexes. And we are sure that the park will become one of our favorite attractions for both citizens of our country and tourists,” the Deputy Minister of Defense for Educational and Ideological Work, Major-General Azizbek Ikramov said. 

According to Gulshoira Magametova, an architect and employee of the Ministry of Construction, national-style covered terraces will be built in different parts of the park, which will be equipped with electronic equipment to obtain information on the theme of the erection. 

A separate panel and special platforms with coats of arms, flags, maps of 35 states-winners of the World War II will be created. 

To create a historical atmosphere of the era, wartime music and information messages of those years will be broadcast here.

Photo: Defense Ministry 
Photo: Defense Ministry
Photo: Defense Ministry
Photo: Defense Ministry
Photo: Defense Ministry
Photo: Defense Ministry
Photo: Defense Ministry
Photo: Defense Ministry
Photo: Defense Ministry

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