17:54 / 28.11.2019

EPSILON: Production is increasing and construction of gas pipelines in cooperation with Uzbekneftegaz is in progress

On November 28, after completion of drilling and hydraulic fracturing, the daily flow rate of new Chigil–5 well is 300,000 m³. All produced gas will be routed to the domestic market.

Pipeline construction

As of November 28, 22,000 t (127.4 km) of pipes were shipped and 14,500 t (88.6 km) were delivered; 35.8 km of trenches were dug, 54.5 km of pipes were welded into a string and 6.9 km were laid.

Over the past day, 400 t (1.6 km) of pipes were shipped and 2,400 t (14.9 km) were delivered; 2 km of trenches were dug, 3.6 km of pipes were welded and 700 m were laid.

The company will continue reporting on its progress.

EPSILON Press Office
