18:47 / 03.12.2019

EPSILON: Construction of “Nazarkuduk CP – Shurtanneftegaz” gas pipeline’s first string in cooperation with Uzbekneftegaz is nearing completion

Over the past day, 2,400 t of pipes were shipped, 2.7 km of trenches were dug and 1,300 m of pipes were laid. In addition, 6.6 km of pipes were transported to the location of “Tandircha CP – Shurtanneftegaz” and 700 m – to “Chigil CP – Mubarek GPP”.

The first string of “Nazarkuduk CP – Shurtanneftegaz” pipeline is almost ready. Preparation for pneumatic testing is underway. The company began construction of “Tandircha CP – Shurtanneftegaz” and “Chigil CP – Mubarek GPP” gas pipelines.

As of December 03, 26,700 t of pipes were shipped and 17,300 t were delivered; 52.1 km of trenches were dug, 61.3 km of pipes were welded and 9.9 km were laid.

Round-the-clock works are ahead of schedule.

Epsilon will keep updating the readers on the progress of its undertakings.

EPSILON Press Office
